Piloting a Youth Learning Health Community - Innovations in Big Data and Implementation Science to End the Youth HIV Epidemic in Florida

Piloting a Youth Learning Health Community - Innovations in Big Data and Implementation Science to End the Youth HIV Epidemic in Florida

In collaboration with Florida Department of Health and Area 7 HIV/AIDS Program Office, this Ending the Youth HIV Epidemic in Florida demonstration project is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Adolescent Trials Networks for HIV/AIDS (ATN).

This study proposes to pilot test a Youth Learning Health Community plus healthforce training to end the HIV epidemic in young people in Florida (Y-LHC+).  The Y-LHC+ includes workforce development within public health agencies or community-based organizations (CBOs), with structured county-wide strategic planning and accessible comprehensive health outcomes data. 


We invite Ryan White organizations who provide testing, HIV treatment and case management, and PrEP to youth (13-24) in Orange County, Florida to collaborate with FDOH and FSU to End the Youth HIV Epidemic in Florida. 

Please click on the link below to schedule a short meeting for more info at your convenience.

Orange County Youth Learning Health Community Demonstration Project