Welcome to the Scale It Up - Florida's Agency Consortia
Help us improve the health of young people across Florida!
Scale It Up (SIU) Florida desires to play an important role with your organization in improving the health of adolescents and young adults in Florida! We aim to establish a youth-focused, learning health community focused on improving health outcomes among at-risk youth in Florida through community-driven partnerships, research, discovery, and innovation.
We are looking to partner with Florida community-based organizations, FDOH County Health Departments, and local agencies that serve adolescent and emerging adults ages 13-29 with services such as :
- Health services (i.e., HIV Care, Primary Care, etc.)
- Mental health
- Allied partners
- Substance abuse
- Food services
- Other support services
As we collaborate with organizations throughout Florida, we are aiming to develop meaningful relationships, share information and ideas, and work towards our mutual goal of helping youth who are struggling to find care and resources, while simultaneously improving the health among underserved populations.
What is a Youth Learning Health Community?
- Derived from Learning Health System concepts (Smith et al, 2020)
- Foundational elements
- Care improvement targets
- Supportive Policy Environment
- Learning Health Community
- Active and continuous stakeholder and community engagement
- Appropriate model for multiple systems striving to a larger goal (such as in county-wide or state-wide initiatives organized by the county and central health departments)
Scale It Up - Florida aspires to build a STATE-WIDE YOUTH LEARNING HEALTH COMMUNITY to:
- Conduct innovative, state-of-the-art implementation science to end the youth HIV epidemic in Florida
- Promote bi-directional community-engagement to address HIV and other sexual health issues in adolescent and emerging adults (ages 13-29) residing in Florida
- Establish state-wide partnerships and collaboration opportunities
Become an Ally: Join Our Agency Alliance!
To be an ally is to unite oneself with another to promote a common interest. People who are allies are not only helpers, but share the same goals with those they desire to help.
What does being a SIU-FL ALLY look like?
1. Mutual Benefits:
- Shared decision making and co-learning to reduce HIV/STI disparities experienced by underserved youth in Florida through continued stakeholder-engage evidence assessment, audience identification and partner engagement, dissemination and implementation.
- Gain understanding of the current HIV landscape for young people in Florida and health and social-related needs of the population on local, state, and community levels.
- Participate in discussions on collaborative, problem-solving strategies to decrease the number of adolescents contracting HIV, link and retain youth in care that have HIV, and improve workforce development efforts to better serve high risk and HIV positive youth
2. Benefits for Agency Alliance Partner:
- Opportunities to collaborate with highly experienced researchers in HIV
- Opportunities for Clinic-based outreach and recruitment to connect young people you serve with research opportunities and other youth-friendly resources to improve holistic health outcomes
- Opportunities to have your agency listed and promoted as a resource/referral for youth in their areas listed through various Scale It Up - Florida channels
- Assistance in coordination of youth initiatives and outreach events
- Learn more about state-wide initiatives, grants, and projects happening through other organizations and agencies
- Engage with SIU-FL for partnership-engaged collaboration opportunities, grant submissions, and review of proposals
- Ability to create a state-wide network of meaningful plans and initiatives for youth across Florida
- Gain insight on youth populations and distribute information about SIU-FL initiatives and studies to serviced adolescents and emerging adults
- Promote SIU-FL and other SIU-FL opportunities (i.e. ancillary studies) to your agency's constituencies
3. SIU-Florida Benefits:
- Opportunities to provide technical assistance in areas of expertise to agencies that serve youth communities
- Opportunities to connect with youth through clinic-based recruitment and outreach and linking youth people with youth-friendly resources to improve their health]
- Actively participate in dissemination of research finding relevant to organizational goals, objectives, and populations
- Assist local agencies with coordination of youth initiatives and consultation from youth representatives
- Identify key research questions and issues for potential research opportunities and disseminate findings and benefits to community stakeholders, agencies, and their constituents
- Actively participate in identifying and acquiring potential grants, funding sources, or other resources to benefit the Agency Alliance partnerships
- Develop comprehensive, youth-friendly toolkits and resource databases that can help service providers and researchers better understand Florida's healthcare climate surrounding youth with insight from both youth and professional stakeholders
Are you or your organization interested in collaborating/partnering with us, getting more information about SIU-FL, our efforts, ongoing studies, future opportunities?