Bioethical Issues in Engaging Lost to Follow Up Youth in HIV Care and Research

NOTE: This study has officially closed. Information is currently being interpreted and dissemination of results and findings are pending.

BACKGROUND: Youth at risk for HIV and youth living with HIV are not well represented in research related to sexual health. The reasons behind this include concerns around safety, privacy, and potential harm. By seeking to better understand the views of young people living with HIV, researchers may help improve methods and programs that help HIV positive youth feel comfortable in participating in research studies and get the care they need.
  • This virtual research study intends to help youth that are living with HIV.
  • We would like to understand views of cultural and ethical issues that may make it hard for young people to stay in HIV care and engage in HIV research.


  • We are looking for young people to share a little bit about any challenges they may have faced and thoughts they may have about staying in HIV care and taking part in HIV research.
  • Are you between the ages of 15-24 and living with HIV? We would like to hear your voice as a Youth Stakeholder.


  • We are looking for professionals to share a little bit about any challenges or issues they see that may impact youth staying in care and taking part in research.
  • Are you a provider, public health official or researcher that has experience working with youth (15-24) living with HIV? Please share your voice with us as a Professional Stakeholder.​


  • Participants in this study will be asked to participate in an individual phone interview to share their voice on challenges and issues that prevent youth living with HIV from staying in care and participating in HIV research.
  • After enrolling in the study, you will be asked to schedule your individual interview with a study team member at a day/time that works for you.
  • Participants will be compensated a $10 e-gift card for their participation.