About Us

Our engaging research mission is to improve health among youth populations most heavily effected by the epidemic.

Scale It Up (SIU) Florida aims to build a youth-focused, community-based learning health community focused on improving health and wellness among young people in Florida through community-driven research, discovery, and innovation.

  • Conduct innovative and useful research and scientific methods to end the youth HIV epidemic in Florida
  • Increase community engagement and partnerships with health organizations to address HIV and other health issues in young people (up to age 29) living in Florida
  • Provide research, service, outreach, and education
  • Establish partnerships and connections across the state!

We have a plan that involves not just you, but everyone! Using research, our community, and professionals with lots of knowledge on health subjects, we feel we can help make a difference!

  • Share a statewide, community-driven research agenda with important organizations throughout Florida to target HIV and other health issues in young people
  • Develop professional-led steering communities to bridge voices from the community to providers and organizations
  • Conduct needs assessments in many different areas relevant to health among young people
  • Use the information we gather to target regions and identify young people who may have difficulties staying in care
  • Learn and support new opportunities for youth engagement, knowledge, sharing of knowledge, and enacting these things for better and healthier communities

We have done so many things with the goals of working with more professionals and reaching more young people across the state. Working with the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) and FDOH County Health Departments (CHDs), we are going to conduct more research, make more important connections, and work hard to help end the youth HIV epidemic in Florida. 


  • Engagement & support from FDOH/the Office of the State Surgeon General
  • Outreach to HIV coordinators at Ending the HIV Epidemic CHDs
  • Establishment of a Youth Advisory Council in Florida communities, including Broward, Duval, Hillsborough/Pinellas, Leon/Gadsden, Miami-Dade, and Orange counties
  • Collaboration with FDOH for Ending the HIV Epidemic requests for applications
  • Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions: Scale It Up
  • Establishment of a Scientific Advisory Committee made of 14 members, representing FDOH and eight academic institutions